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李 俊,刘 波,杨小东,那振喆
(西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072)
关键词:  吸附式压气机  耦合优化设计  人工蜂群算法
Coupling Optimization Design for Aspirated Compressor Airfoil and Aspirated Scheme Based on CST Method
LI Jun,LIU Bo,YANG Xiao-dong,NA Zhen-zhe
(School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China)
In order to explore the design characteristics of the aspirated airfoil,a new optimization design method which combines artificial bee colony algorithm with Class-Shape-Transformation(CST)method is presented. The MISES code is chosen as the flow field solver. And the feasibility of the CST method applied to aspirated airfoil optimization is demonstrated in detail. Research results show that the coupling optimized design can make the total pressure loss reduction by 65%,and the turning angle increases by 3° based on ensuring strength. And the aerodynamic performance gets an obvious enhancement. For high subsonic aspirated airfoil optimized in this paper,changing the airfoil surface near the leading edge appropriately can control the Mach number,and avoid forming shock. This can prevent the increasing of the boundary layer thickness,and decrease the airfoil loss.
Key words:  Aspirated compressor  Coupling optimized design  Artificial bee colony algorithm