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(西北工业大学 燃烧、热结构与内流场重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072)
关键词:  复合推进剂  铝粉粒度  分布燃烧响应;粒子阻尼
Effects of Different Aluminum Particle Sizes in Composite Propellant on Distributed Combustion Response and Particle Damping
JIN Bing-ning,LIU Pei-jin,DU Xiao-kun,LIU Xin,GUAN Yu
(Science and Technology on Combustion,Internal Flow and Thermal–Structure Laboratory,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China)
According to the aluminized composite propellants with different initial particle sizes,the characteristics of the particle damping of condensed phase combustion products and the distribution combustion response were researched. The result shows that,particle damping is dependent on the particle size distribution of the condensed phase combustion products and the oscillation frequency,which is reasonably insensitive to the initial aluminum particle sizes. On the aspect of estimating the particle damping,the particle damping computed using the mono-sized particles were different from the value in the experiment,with the relative error more than 10 percent. Thus,further improvement on the prediction method is needed. On the aspect of distributed combustion response,the distributed combustion response is sensitive to the initial aluminum particle sizes in the same oscillation frequency,that is,the bigger the sizes of the initial aluminum particles are,the higher the combustion driven in the combustion,which is not good in solid rocket motor from a combustion instability point of view.
Key words:  Composite propellant  Aluminum particle sizes  Distributed combustion response  Particle damping