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张皓光1,王云鹏1,吴 俊1,楚武利1,2,吴艳辉1,刘传乐1
(1.西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072;2.先进航空发动机协同创新中心,北京 100191)
关键词:  进口畸变  压气机  自适应流通  处理机匣  气流分离  前缘溢流
Investigation on Mechanism of Perfomance Improvement for Compressor with New Type of Casing Treatment
ZHANG Hao-guang1,WANG Yun-peng1,WU Jun1,CHU Wu-li1,2,WU Yan-hui1,LIU Chuan-le1
(1.School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China;2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Aero-Engine,Beijing 100191,China)
Influences of the performance and flow-field of subsonic axial-flow compressor are investigated with full-annulus unsteady numerical method with self recirculation casing treatment under inlet distortion to uncover the flow mechanism. Inlet distortion is made by setting barriers in the inlet radial passage. The numerical calculative results show that besides gaining 6.8% stall margin improvements,the performance of compressor can be improved with self recirculation casing treatment under inlet distortion and the effect of increasing efficiency is better than the effect of increasing total ratio. The fundamental flow mechanism is obtained by analyzing the flow-filed in rotor passage in details. The detailed analysis of the flow-filed in compressor indicates that the separated locations of blades suction boundary in some tip passage move toward blade trailing with casing treatment and the highest value is about 11% the tip chord length,weakening the bad effect of flow separation and preventing leakage flow spill to adjacent tip passage. When injecting setups face the blade tip passage,the effect of restraining tip clearance leakage flow is the best.
Key words:  Inlet distortion  Compressor  Self adapting recirculation  Casing treatment  Flow separation  Leading edge spilling flow