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曾卓雄1,2 ,陈超杰2,徐义华2
(1. 上海电力学院 能源与机械学院,上海 200090;2. 南昌航空大学 飞行器工程学院,江西 南昌 330063)
为了获得较好的可控涡扩压器性能,采用可实现 k - ε 两方程湍流模型及引气口流量出口条件对不同结构的扩压器流场进行了数值模拟。仅有单侧轴向开口或单侧径向开口时,随着引气口尺寸的增加,扩压器出口平均静压值和平均滞止压力减小,扩压效率也减小。比较了不同开口方式及尺寸对流场的影响,研究发现最优开口组合的扩压性能比单侧径向最优开口的要好,但比单侧轴向最优开口的要差;有开口的扩压性能比无开口的要好。
关键词:  可控涡扩压器  数值模拟  湍流
Effects of Structure Parameters Optimization on Vortex Controlled Diffuser Flow Field
ZENG Zhuo-xiong1,2 ,CHEN Chao-jie2,XU Yi-hua2
(1. College of Power and Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai University of Electric and Power,Shanghai 200090,China;2. Aircraft Engineering College,Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,China)
To obtain satisfactory vortex controlled diffuser performance,numerical simulation of flow in different structures is performed by realizable k - ε turbulence model and suction slot bleed condition. When the suction slot is only in the axial direction or only in the radial direction,with the increase of the slot length,the average static pressure and the average stagnation pressure as well as the diffuser efficiency decrease. The effects of different diffuser structure type and size on the flow field are compared. It is found that the diffuser performance of the optimal slot combination both in radical and axial directions is better than that only in radical direction,but worse than that only in axial direction. In addition,the diffuser performance with slot is better than that without slot.
Key words:  Vortex controlled diffuser  Numerical simulation  Turbulence