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周建兴,汪 颖
(中国航天科工集团公司301研究所,北京 100074)
考虑水平起降要求,构造了一种采用流线追踪内转式进气道、圆形截面燃烧室的双侧布局高马赫数超燃冲压发动机,设计点马赫数为7。对Ma 7~10范围内的发动机性能进行了数值模拟,给出了发动机进气道性能、整机性能,对燃烧室内的燃料掺混和燃烧情况进行了分析。此外,采用一维性能计算方法对燃烧室性能进行了预估。研究表明,此发动机性能可满足飞行器推阻匹配需求;一维性能结果与三维数值模拟的压力分布处于15%的误差范围内,可用于发动机性能的快速预估。 
关键词:  高马赫数超燃冲压发动机  流线追踪内转式进气道  进气道性能  发动机性能 
Numerical Investigation on Performance of a High Mach Number Scramjet
ZHOU Jian-xing, WANG Ying
(The 301Institute of CASIC,Beijing 100074,China)
Considering the requirements of future horizontal taking off and horizontal landing vehicle, a double-sided vehicle configuration with scramjets installed in each side was constructed. The on-design Mach number for this scramjet is 7and it works in the range between Mach 7and 10, with a stream-traced inward inlet and circular combustor. 3D numerical simulations of the scramjet were conducted. Performances of inlet and whole scramjet, and the field contours of fuel mixing and combustion are provided. Besides, a 1D performance analysis method was used to predict combustor performances. The results show that the scramjet can generate positive thrust and it could reach the goal of propelling a vehicle to cruise or accelerate by thorough integration design of airframe and propulsion. Besides, it is also shown that the pressure distribution calculated by 1D and the 3D methods are located in 15% error band, which means that the 1D analysis method can be used to predict the performance of this scramjet. 
Key words:  High Mach number scramjet  Stream traced inward inlet  Inlet performance  Scramjet performance