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王新竹,张泰昌,陆 阳,范学军
(中国科学院 力学研究所/高温气体动力学国家重点实验室,北京 100190)
为了对主动冷却超燃冲压发动机进行研究与设计,采用实验与计算相结合的方法,对主动冷却超燃冲压发动机燃烧室内传热与燃烧的耦合过程进行了分析。该方法采用燃烧室静压分布的测量值作为输入条件,开展燃气-结构-燃料耦合传热分析,获得经过冷却系统后燃料的状态参数;将燃料的状态参数作为实验参数,开展直联式超声速燃烧实验,得到新的静压分布,如此反复迭代,直至燃料状态不再变化,最终确定主动冷却燃烧室的各种传热与燃烧特性参数。利用该分析方法,初步开展了不同飞行马赫数条件下主动冷却燃烧室闭环运行状态研究,得到了冷却煤油温度与燃烧室壁温同飞行马赫数的关系。 
关键词:  超燃冲压发动机  主动冷却  碳氢燃料  耦合传热  闭环运行 
An Iterative Analysis and Design Method for Study of Coupling Processes of Combustion and Heat Transfer in Actively-Cooled Scramjet Combustor
WANG Xin-zhu, ZHANG Tai-chang, LU Yang, FAN Xue-jun
(State Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics/Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
To study and design actively-cooled scramjet, an iterative analysis and design method has been developed to study the coupling processes of combustion and heat transfer in an actively-cooled scramjet combustor. The method uses the measured static pressure distribution along the combustor as the input of an integrated thermal analysis code to calculate the fuel properties after cooling, which in turn are used as the fuel conditions for a direct-connected combustion test to obtain the updated static combustion pressure. This process continues until the fuel state no long varies and the final values of the characteristics of combustion and heat transfer in the actively-cooled scramjet combustor could be determined. Following the approach, the states of a close-loop-cooled scramjet combustor were studied for conditions corresponding to different flight Mach numbers and the cooling fuel temperature and structure temperature distribution at different flight Mach numbers were obtained. 
Key words:  Scramjet  Active cooling  Hydrocarbon fuel  Coupled heat transfer  Close loop