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曹 琪,封 锋,武晓松
(南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094)
为了调研壁面滑移现象对凝胶推进剂管道流动的影响,对凝胶推进剂及3种模拟液在直圆管中的流动进行了研究。对直圆管流动实验采集的流动数据进行壁面滑移修正,得到了壁面滑移速度公式。构建了考虑壁面滑移修正的幂律本构方程,计算出考虑滑移速度的沿程阻力系数和广义雷诺数及二者的关系。采用PIV实验并结合数值仿真,得到管道输送过程中的真实内流场速度分布以及壁面有滑移和无滑移的速度剖面图。研究表明:经过壁面滑移修正可见推进剂及模拟液幂律本构方程是唯一的;通过沿程阻力系数的计算和管道内流场PIV实验两方面验证了所用修正方法和所建流变本构方程的正确性和适用性。 
关键词:  凝胶推进剂  壁面滑移修正  幂律本构方程  沿程阻力系数  广义雷诺数 
Rheological Constitutive Equations of Gel Propellants Based on Wall Slip Correction
CAO Qi, FENG Feng, WU Xiao-song
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
In order to analyze the effects of the wall slip phenomena on the pipe flow of gel propellant, a research on the flow of gel propellant and 3kinds of simulants in the straight round pipe was conducted. After the wall slip correction of the flow data collected from the pipe flow experiment finished, the wall slip velocity and Power-Law constitutive equations were obtained. Friction loss factor and generalized Renolds number considering the wall slip correction were calculated. The relationship of them was also setup. Combining the PIV experiment with numerical simulation, the velocity distribution of the flow field and the wall slip/no-slip velocity profiles were obtained. It is found that the constitutive equations are unique through the wall slip correction. Both the calculation of the friction loss factor and the pipe internal flow field PIV experiment are helpful to prove the reliability of the correction method used and constitutive equations built. 
Key words:  Gel propellants  Wall slip correction  Power-Law constitutive equations  Friction loss factor  Generalized Renolds number