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崔业兵1,陈 雄1,周长省1,姚 琰2,韩文超1
(1.南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094;2.中国航天科工集团三十一研究所,北京 100074)
针对固体火箭发动机的推力矢量控制系统的需求,分析了扰流片系统的工作原理,设计了圆弧型扰流片;根据扰流片的安装位置关系,推导了扰流片摆角与伸入喷管出口流场高度的关系式;对加载单个圆弧型扰流片的喷管三维流场进行数值模拟,得到扰流片产生气动力的大小随扰流片伸入流场高度的变化规律;并通过固体火箭发动机的点火试验,验证所设计的扰流片系统在阶跃响应和正弦加载下的动态特性。结果表明:扰流片推力矢量控制系统在最大偏转角度38°时,阶跃响应时间为55ms,最大偏差0.6°,超调量2.02%;偏转角8°时,正弦加载测得系统带宽10Hz。 
关键词:  扰流片  推力矢量控制  运动仿真  动态特性 
Research on Spoiler Dynamic Characteristic for Thrust Vector Control
CUI Ye-bing1, CHEN Xiong1, ZHOU Chang-sheng1, YAO Yan2, HAN Wen-chao1
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094,China;2. The 31st Research Institute of CASIC, Beijing 100074, China)
According to the requirements of a certain type solid rocket motor thrust vector control (TVC) system, the working principle of the spoiler system for TVC was analyzed and the arc spoiler mechanism was designed. According to relation of the arc spoiler installation position, the relationship between the deflection angle and the height extending to the flow field of the nozzle was deduced. With the numerical simulation software for analysis of three dimensional flow field of the nozzle with one arc spoiler, the relationship curve of spoiler producing aerodynamic force and the spoiler height was obtained. Then the experiments of the spoiler system with step signal input and sinusoidal signal input were carried out, while the solid rocket motor was firing. The results show that the maximum deviation of spoiler deflection angle is 0.6°and overshoot is 2.02%, also the transient time of 55ms within maximum deflection angle 38°.Furthermore, the bandwidth can reach 10Hz with the deflection angle 8° through sinusoidal loading testing. 
Key words:  Spoiler  Thrust vector control  Motion simulation  Dynamic characteristic