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范周琴, 刘卫东, 林志勇, 孙明波
国防科技大学 航天与材料工程学院 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
为明晰支板喷射超声速燃烧火焰精细结构,并探索其影响因素,利用自发辐射成像技术和平面激光诱导荧光技术(PLIF)对支板喷射超声速燃烧流场进行研究。结果表明,燃烧室内形成了典型的扩散火焰,且火焰稳定在支板尾部的回流区,宽度与支板厚度处于同等量级;支板厚度和燃料喷注当量比对火焰结构有显著影响,增加支板厚度会使火焰基底变宽,火焰长度变短,有利于燃烧室内部的快速放热和缩短燃烧室长度,增加燃料喷注当量比会使火焰长度增加,燃烧强度增大。 
关键词:  支板  自发辐射  OH基PLIF  火焰
Experimental Investigation of Supersonic Combustion Flame Structure with Strut Injectors
FAN Zhou-qin, LIU Wei-dong, LIN Zhi-yong, SUN Ming-bo
Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, Institute of Aerospace and Material Engineering, National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073,China
To explore detailed structure of supersonic combustion with strut injectors and its effect factors, supersonic combustion flowfield behind strut injectors were investigated using spontaneous emission imaging and planar laser induced fluorescence imaging. The results show that typical diffusion flame stabilized at the recirculation zone of strut trail is observed in the chamber, and its width has the same order with strut thickness. Strut thickness and equivalent ratio of fuel have numerious effect on flame structure. When strut thickness is increased, flame base becomes wider while flame length becomes shorter, and all these are good for fast heat release in chamber and it can shorten the length of chamber. When equivalent ratio of fuel is increased, both length and intensity of flame are increased.
Key words:  Strut  Spontaneous emission  OH-PLIF  Flame