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尕永婧, 张会强, 王希麟
清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京 100084
关键词:  燃烧不稳定性  双组元液体火箭发动机  定容燃烧  定压燃烧  第三邓克尔数+
Analysis of Combustion Characteristics in the Region with Violent Pressure Oscillations in Thruster Chamber
GA Yong-jing, ZHANG Hui-qiang, WANG Xi-lin
School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Numerical simulation of the three-dimensional unsteady two-phase reacting flows in the thrust chamber of LOX/RP-1 liquid rocket engine was conducted. Self-triggered pressure oscillations were obtained without any artificial excitations. The combustion characteristic in the region with violent pressure oscillation was analysed through the third Damkhler number defined to classify a combustion process as constant-volume combustion, constant-pressure combustion and combustion with partial expansion and pressure increase. It is shown that the third Damkhler number is large in the region where violent pressure oscillation exists, which means there is constant-volume combustion or combustion with partial expansion and pressure increase. Although the overall combustion characteristic of the thrust chamber is constant-pressure combustion, constant-volume combustion may occur locally in the head region of the combustion chamber. The expansion wave generated by exothermic chemical reaction of the constant-volume combustion does not have time to propagate and will lead to pressure peaks. The combustion instabilities may be triggered when such pressure peaks propagate and interact with chamber walls. It is the same as the mechanism of the bomb test used to investigate the combustion instability, which indicates that the results obtained is reasonable.
Key words:  Combustion instability  Bipropellant liquid rocket engine  Constant-volume combustion  Constant-pressure combustion  The third Damkhler number+