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雷云涛, 袁新
清华大学 热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室,北京 100084
为了解冷气喷射对涡轮叶片前缘气膜冷却特性的影响,对圆柱形前缘双排孔气膜冷却进行全三维N-S方程数值模拟。计算域网格采用FNM形式的多块结构化网格。研究了射流与主流的流动机理,分析了不同吹风比下对壁面冷却效率的影响。计算结果表明,壁面平均绝热效率随吹风比的增大而升高。针对第二排孔结构参数进行优化设计,优化后的冷却效果要明显优于原始结构。 
关键词:  航空发动机  涡轮叶片  气膜冷却  数值模拟  绝热效率  吹风比
Numerical Simulation on the Effect of Film Cooling at Leading Edge of Turbine Blade with Two Rows of Staggered Holes
LEI Yun-tao, YUAN Xin
Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China
Film cooling characteristics were numerically analyzed on the circular leading edge with two rows of staggered holes based on a 3D N-S equation solver. An FNM (full non-match) form multi-block structural mesh was used for the computational domain. The flowfield mechanisms resulting from the interactions between the cooling jets and the freestream were examined and the effect of different blowing ratios on the adiabatic effectiveness was expounded. The results show that the film cooling effectiveness is improved with the increase of blowing ratio. Finally, the cooling effectiveness is improved with the optimization of the geometric parameters of the second row of holes.
Key words:  Aero-engine  Turbine blade  Film cooling  Numerical simulation  Adiabatic effectiveness  Blowing ratio