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王大磊, 朴英
清华大学 航天航空学院,北京 100084
关键词:  涡轮  叶尖间隙  叶尖间隙流  泄露涡  数值模拟
Influence of Tip Clearance Size on Tip Clearance Flow of a Transonic Turbine
WANG Da-lei, PIAO Ying
School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China
The influence of the tip clearance height of turbine rotor blades on tip clearance flow of an axial turbine stage was investigated by numerical simulation and different tip clearance heights were taken into account. Results show that the leakage flow rate would increase markedly due to the increase of the tip clearance height. The ratio of the leakage flow rate and total flow rate would increase 2.1% as the tip clearance height increased 1% of the blade height. From analyzing the flow field, it indicates that as the height of tip clearance increases, the flow structure in the tip clearance changes. When the height of tip clearance is small, the size of the separation bubble increases quickly as the height of tip clearance increases, meanwhile, the size of the leakage vortex gets larger as well as the flow rate of high speed leakage flow. The passage vortex and the leakage vortex are pushed off from the blade, the flow structure of secondary flow near the tip clearance changes while the height of tip clearance increases. 
Key words:  Turbine  Tip clearance  Tip clearance flow  Loss vortex  Numerical simulation