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宋俊玲1, 洪延姬2, 李倩2, 文明2
1.装备学院 研究生管理大队,北京 101416;2.装备学院 基础部,北京 101416
关键词:  激光推进  吸气式  多脉冲  喷管构型  冲量耦合系数
Effects of the nozzle configuration on the impulse coupling coefficient for multi-pulsed laser propulsion
SONG Jun-ling1, HONG Yan-ji2, LI Qian2, WEN Ming2
1.Company of Postgraduate Management, The Academy of Equipment, Beijing 101416, China;2.Department of Basic Theories, The Academy of Equipment, Beijing 101416, China
The propulsion performance of the followed pulse are influenced by the flow field induced by the previous pulse in multi-pulse propulsion. Aimed at achieving the relationship between the parameters of the nozzle configuration and propulsion performance, a conical nozzle is chosen. The details of the evolution process of the inner and outer flow fluids are simulated at the laser repeated rates of 0,0, 100Hz. The effects of the diameter of nozzle front wall and nozzle length on the impulse coupling coefficient have been studied. The results indicate that the multi-pulse impulse coupling coefficient increases with an increase in diameter of the front wall. In the certain range, a longer nozzle leads to a higher impulse coupling coefficient. However, the lengthening nozzle needs long time to breathe in and recover the air. So the impulse coupling coefficient is not sensitive to the nozzle length when it is too long. The results are very useful for the nozzle structure design and the selection of the experiment parameters in the air-breathing laser propulsion.
Key words:  Laser propulsion  Air-breathing  Multi-pulsed  Nozzle configuration  Impulse coupling coefficient