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刘世杰, 覃慧, 林志勇, 孙明波, 刘卫东
国防科技大学 航天与材料工程学院,湖南 长沙 410073
关键词:  连续旋转爆震波  爆震波高度  稀疏波  自持机理
Detailed structure and propagating mechanism research oncontinuous rotating detonation wave
LIU Shi-jie, QIN Hui, LIN Zhi-yong, SUN Ming-bo, LIU Wei-dong
Inst. of Aerospace and Material Engineering, National Univ. of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Based on a de-coupled solver of non-equilibrium reacting flow and detailed chemical reaction model, the flow field of continuous rotating detonation wave and propagating phenomena of detonation sweeping a contact surface of inert gas were calculated on 0.1mm grid scale. The spatial structure of continuous rotating detonation wave was analyzed. Due to the absence of geometric constraint at the side of oblique shock wave, the detonation wave was attenuated by a set of rarefaction waves. The bottom part of detonation wave was attenuated greatly, which makes it shaped like a curve. Flow field of detonation sweeping the inert gas contact surface was also detailed, which is identical to the structure of continuous rotating detonation wave. The influence of the height of detonation wave was analyzed. When the height of detonation wave is small, it could not resist the attenuation of rarefaction waves. The detonation front arced severely, leading to decoupling of the detonation wave. To propagate stably, the height of detonation wave must reach a critical value.
Key words:  Continuous rotating detonation wave  Height of detonation wave  Rarefaction waves  Propagating mechanism.