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左志涛1,2, 朱阳历1,2, 张冬阳1, 谭春青1
1.中国科学院 工程热物理研究所,北京 100190;2.中国科学院 研究生院,北京 100190
关键词:  静叶轮毂间隙  气动性能  压气机稳定性  二次流  泄漏涡
Numerical investigation of the stator hub gap effects onaerodynamic performance of a high-pressure compressor
ZUO Zhi-tao1,2, ZHU Yang-li1,2, ZHANG Dong-yang1, TAN Chun-qing1
1.Inst. of Engineering Thermophysics, Academia Sinica,Beijing 100190;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190
To investigate the influence of stator hub gap on the aerodynamic performance and stability of the high- pressure compressor, a two-stage axial-flow compressor which is a part of an aeroengine core-compressor was studied using a three-dimensional viscous flow analysis. Flow fields of the compressor were investigated at two operating points with and without the stator hub gap. For the computation without stator hub gap, the secondary flow and vortex movement near hub decreases the total pressure ratio, isentropic efficiency and compressor stability. While for the computation with stator hub gap, the leakage flow through the hub gap blows away the low energy fluid in the endwall region, and improves aerodynamic performance and compressor stability, especially for the near stall operating point.
Key words:  Stator hub gap  Aerodynamic performance  Compressor stability  Secondary flow  Leakage vortex