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刘佩进1, 王勇2, 吕翔3, 李迎春4, 陈剑5
1.西北工业大学航天学院/固体火箭发动机燃烧热结构与内流场国防科技重点实验室 陕西西安710072;2.西北工业大学航天学院/固体火箭发动机燃烧热结构与内流场国防科技重点实验室 陕西西安710073;3.西北工业大学航天学院/固体火箭发动机燃烧热结构与内流场国防科技重点实验室 陕西西安710074;4.西北工业大学航天学院/固体火箭发动机燃烧热结构与内流场国防科技重点实验室 陕西西安710075;5.西北工业大学航天学院/固体火箭发动机燃烧热结构与内流场国防科技重点实验室 陕西西安710076
关键词:  冲刷+  固体推进剂  燃速特性+  BP算法+
Gas and particle velocity impact on the burning rate of HTPB solid propellant
LIU Pei-jin1, WANG Yong2, L Xiang3, LI Ying-chun4, CHEN Jian5
1.Coll.of Astronautics/National Key Laboratory of Combustion,Flow and Thermo-Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.,Xi′an 710072,China;2.Coll.of Astronautics/National Key Laboratory of Combustion,Flow and Thermo-Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.,Xi′an 710073,China;3.Coll.of Astronautics/National Key Laboratory of Combustion,Flow and Thermo-Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.,Xi′an 710074,China;4.Coll.of Astronautics/National Key Laboratory of Combustion,Flow and Thermo-Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.,Xi′an 710075,China;5.Coll.of Astronautics/National Key Laboratory of Combustion,Flow and Thermo-Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.,Xi′an 710076,China
Based on the experimental burning data under gas and particle erosion,Artificial Neural Network technique using BP arithmetic was used to study analysis the burning rate property of HTPB solid propellant.Training and prediction results show that the error of BP arithmeticis less than 4%. The results indicate that the burning rate of HTPB propellant can be affected by both gas phase and particle velocity.Burning rate is sensitive to particle velocity at lower gas phase velocity.There exists a threshold of particle velocity.If particle velocity exceeds this value,burning rate of solid propellant is dominant by particle velocity and it increases dramatically.
Key words:  Erode+  Solid propellant  Burning rate+  BP arithmetic