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张兴高1, 张炜2, 朱慧3, 阳世清4, 王春华5, 张君启6, 赵凤起7, 徐司雨8
1.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410073;2.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410074;3.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410075;4.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410076;5.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410077;6.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410078;7.西安近代化学研究所 陕西西安710065;8.西安近代化学研究所 陕西西安710066
关键词:  固体推进剂  呋咱+  热分解  高能燃料
Thermal decomposition of 3,3′-diamino-4,4′-azoxyfurazan (DNOAF)
ZHANG Xing-gao1, ZHANG Wei2, ZHU Hui3, YANG Shi-qing4, WANG Chun-hua5, ZHANG Jun-qi6, ZHAO Feng-qi7, XU Si-yu8
1.Inst.of Aeronautic and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410073,China;2.Inst.of Aeronautic and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410074,China;3.Inst.of Aeronautic and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410075,China;4.Inst.of Aeronautic and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410076,China;5.Inst.of Aeronautic and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410077,China;6.Inst.of Aeronautic and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410078,China;7.Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Inst.,Xi’an 710065,China;8.Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Inst.,Xi’an 710066,China
The thermal decomposition characteristics of 3,3′-dinitro-4,4′-azoxyfurazan(DNOAF) were investigated by using themogravimetry(TG),differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and gas(solid) in-situ thermolysis rapid scanning fourier transform infrared spectrascopy(RSFTIR) coupling technique.The results show that the thermal decomposition characteristics of DNOAF is sensitive to pressure.The thermal decomposition peak temperature of DNOAF is reduced as the increase of the pressure.The IR active gas products of DNOAF are CO2,N2O,NO,NO2,CO and DNOAF.The solid prodoucts are mainly carbon,with small amount of-O-C≡N.The possible thermal decomposition mechanism of DNOAF is presented based on the experiments.The primary step in the thermal decomposition of DNOAF is the disconnection of C-N bond between the furazan rings,followed by the step for the opening of the furazan rings.
Key words:  Solid propellant  Furazan+  Thermal decomposition  High energy fuel