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高铁军1,2, 王忠金1,3, 高洪波4, 王君平5
1.哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院;2.黑龙江哈尔滨150001;3.黑龙江哈尔滨150002;4.北京动力机械研究所 北京100074;5.北京动力机械研究所 北京100075
关键词:  涡轮风扇发动机  异形曲面壳体零件+  粘性介质压力成形+  整体结构工艺
Integral forming for special-shaped curved surface shell parts of turbofan engine
GAO Tie-jun,WANG Zhong-jin,GAO Hong-bo,WANG Jun-ping
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin Inst. of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin Inst. of Technology,Harbin 150002,China;3.Beijing Power Machinery Research Inst.,Beijing 100074,China
The special-shape curved surface shell parts of turbofan engine,which vary greatly in diameter,are usually manufactured by forming decomposed parts and then assembling them through welding.The traditional forming technology has some disadvantages,such as requirement of multi-forming-step,high cost and low accuracy,which can be overcome by viscous pressure integral forming process.Through numerical simulation and experiments,the effects of forming steps and the tangent adhesive stress of viscous medium on the material flow and wall thickness variation are analyzed.Research results show that the deformed sheet metal flow can be controlled efficiently and the homogeneity of wall-thickness of formed part is improved through viscous pressure forming(VPF).The wall-thickness thinning is less than 12% for the parts with 1.38 diameter ratio.So VPF is very suitable for integral forming of the special-shape curved surface shell parts of turbofan engine.
Key words:  Turbofan engine  Special-shaped curved surface shell parts+  Viscous pressure forming+  Integral structure manufacturing process