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欧海英1, 张为华2,3, 赵经成1, 付战平1
1.海军航空工程学院青岛分院 山东青岛266041;2.国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院;3.湖南长沙410073
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  优化设计  非线性主轴降维映射法+  设计空间全景展示+  优化轨迹显示+
Nonlinear principal axis mapping applied in design optimization for solid rocket motor
OU Hai-ying,ZHANG Wei-hua,ZHAO Jing-cheng,FU Zhan-ping
1.Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy Qingdao Branch,Qingdao 266041,China;2.Inst.of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National Univ.of Defence Technology,Changsha 410073,China
Nonlinear principal axis mapping(NPAM) method is proposed to express high-dimensional design space in two or three dimensional space.Taking a solid rocket motor as an example,a 10 variables and 4 constraints optimization problem is fitted by two variables in NPAM,and the errors of the objective and constraints are below 1.5%.It can be seen that NPAM discovers the intrinsic structure of the optimization model and ranks design variables according to their importance.NPAM shows panoramic picture of the design space to help designers choose optimization algorithms and design beginning points.Showing the tracks of optimization in real-time is much helpful to study the optimization algorithms character and switch them.It also helps to judge if the optimal solution is global optimal solution according to its position in the design space.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Optimum design  Nonlinear principal axis mapping+  Design space panoramic visualization  +Track of optimization showing+