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唐正府, 张靖周
南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院 江苏南京210016
利用地面模拟试验件通过实验比较分析了两种进气方式对红外抑制器性能的影响。为了模拟直升机前飞和悬停两种状态,在模型上端开口,分别引入旋翼下洗气流和前端进气,对比分析了这两种状态下模型壁面温度和红外辐射强度的大小。结果表明:引入速度为18 m/s的旋翼下洗气流使得模型壁面内外两侧均受到冷却气膜的保护,从而使壁面温度降低了36%;同时再引入流量为0.2 kg/s的前端进气,可使红外抑制器模型在3~5μm和8~14μm的红外辐射强度分别降低为原来的11%和28%。
关键词:  直升机  红外抑制器  前向进气+,旋翼下洗+
Experiment investigation for infrared suppressor of helicopter through two types of inlet
TANG Zheng-fu, ZHANG Jing-zhou
Coll.of Energy and Power,Nanjing Univ.of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
An experiment diagnostic study utilizing ground test model was performed for two types of inlet on the performances of an infrared signature suppression device.To simulate the helicopter aviating forwards and hovering,the wall temperature of model and infrared spectral radiant intensity were achieved.The results show that with entraining rotor downwash air of 18m/s into model the two sides of model wall were both prevented from heated by cool film,and the wall temperature was decreased by 36%.If involving some cool air amounted to 0.2kg/s into forward inlet at the same time,it will cause a decrease of total infrared radiant intensity of 3~5 μm and 8~14 μm,respectively,by about 89% and 72%.
Key words:  Helicopter  Infrared suppressor  Forwards inlet+  Rotor downwash+