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官焕祥1, 刘云飞2, 姚维尚3, 谭惠民4
1.北京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 北京100081;2.北京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 北京100082;3.北京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 北京100083;4.北京理工大学材料科学与工程学院 北京100084
采用调节硝酸酯增塑聚醚(NEPE)推进剂的配方组分、添加燃速调节剂等手段开展了降低环氧乙烷-四氢呋喃共聚醚/硝化甘油/硝化二乙二醇/黑索金/高氯酸铵(P(E-CO-T)/NG/DEGDN/RDX/AP)类NEPE推进剂燃速的研究。结果表明,增大AP粒径、降低NG/DEGDN的比例、适当降低AP含量、添加少量燃速调节剂,可达到降低燃速的目的。通过对NEPE推进剂配方组分的调节,在燃速调节剂三醋酸甘油酯/聚甲醛/蔗糖八醋酸酯以1∶1∶1配比添加时,其7.0 MPa下的燃速可降至6.87 mm/s。
关键词:  固体推进剂  燃烧性能  压强指数+  燃速调节剂
Study on decreasing the burning rate of nitrate ester plasticized polyether propellant
GUAN Huan-xiang1, LIU Yun-fei2, YAO Wei-shang3, TAN Hui-min4
1.Coll.of Material Science and Engineering,Beijing Inst.of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;2.Coll.of Material Science and Engineering,Beijing Inst.of Technology,Beijing 100082,China;3.Coll.of Material Science and Engineering,Beijing Inst.of Technology,Beijing 100083,China;4.Coll.of Material Science and Engineering,Beijing Inst.of Technology,Beijing 100084,China
Reducing burning rate of nitrate ester plasticized polyether(NEPE) propellant was studied by means of adding some burning rate modifiers and adjusting its composition.The results show that burning rate of the propellant can be depressed by enlarging the particle size of AP,reducing the ratio of NG/DEGDN,decreasing the content of AP and adding little content of burning rate modifiers.The burning rate under 7.0 MPa can be reduced to 6.87 mm/s with ratio 1:1:1 of burning rate modifiers glycerol triacetate/polyoxymethylene/sucrose octa-acetate.
Key words:  Solid propellant  Combustion perfonmance  Pressure exponent+  Burning rate modifiers