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卢新根, 楚武利, 吴艳辉
西北工业大学动力与能源学院 陕西西安710072
关键词:  轴流压气机  机匣处理  非定常数值仿真  间隙泄漏流
Mechanism of axial-flow compressor stall margin improvement associated with bend skewed slots casing treatment
LU Xin-gen, CHU Wu-li, WU Yan-hui
School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.,Xi’an,710072,China
The bend skewed slot casing treatment has the potential to significantly extend the stall margin of the compressor with minimal or no loss in efficiency.In order to uncover the working mechanism by which bend skewed slots casing treatments improve stall margin and also the flow mechanisms the bend skewed slots casing treatments differ from axial skewed slots casing treatment,a time accurate 3-dimentional numerical simulation was performed for the subsonic axial-flow compressor rotor both with bend skewed slot casing treatment and axial skewed slot casing treatment.The numerical results agreed well with experimental data for the global performance.Detailed analyses of the flow visualization at the tip have exposed the different tip flow topologies between the cases with casing treatment and with untreated smooth wall.It was found that the repositioning of the tip vortex trajectory further towards the trailing edge of the blade passage and delaying the movement of incoming/tip clearance flow interface to the leading edge plane are the exact mechanism of stall suppression imposed by bend skewed slot casing treatment
Key words:  Axial-flow compressor  Casing treatment  Unsteady numerical simulation  Tip leakage flow