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徐司雨, 赵凤起, 李上文, 郝海霞, 高红旭, 党永战
西安近代化学研究所 陕西西安710065
关键词:  固体火箭推进剂  高能量密度材料+  撞击感度  摩擦感度
Impact and friction sensitivity of composite modified double base propellant containing hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane(CL-20)
XU Si-yu, ZHAO Feng-qi, LI Shang-wen, HAO Hai-xia, GAO Hong-xu, DANG Yongzhan
Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Inst.,Xi’an 710065,China
The influence of the hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane(CL-20) content and combustion catalysts on the impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity of composite modified double base propellant containing CL-20(CL-20-CMDB propellant) was investigated,and these sensitivities of CL-20-CMDB propellants were compared with those of composite modified double base propellant containing 3,4-dinitrofurazanfuroxan(DNTF-CMDB propellant),composite modified double base propellant containing N-guanylureadinitramide(FOX-12-CMDB propellant),several double base(DB) propellants and composite modified double base propellants containing octogen(HMX-CMDB propellant).The results show that the impact sensitivity of CL-20-CMDB propellant is greater than that of DNTF-CMDB propellant and FOX-12-CMDB propellant with similar composition and its friction sensitivity is greater than that of DNTF-CMDB propellant and less than that of FOX-12-CMDB propellant.The impact sensitivity of CL-20-CMDB propellant with over 8% CL-20 is less than that of several DB propellants whereas its friction sensitivity is greater than that of these DB propellants.The impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity of CL-20-CMDB propellant are greater than those of HMX-CMDB propellants when the content of oxidizer in the two propellants is equal.
Key words:  Solid rocket propellant  High energy density material~+  Impact sensitivity  Friction sensitivity