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胡瓅元1,2,3, 周力行4, 张健4
1.清华大学工程力学系 北京100084;2.上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院;3.上海200240;4.华大学工程力学系 北京100084
关键词:  湍流燃烧  二阶矩燃烧模型+  大涡模拟+  旋流燃烧
Large-eddy simulation of swirling diffusion combustion using two SGS combustion models
HU Li-yuan,ZHOU Li-xing,ZHANG Jian
1.Dept.of Engineering Mechanics,Tsinghua Univ.,Beijing 100084,China;2.School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.,Shanghai 200240,China
The methane-air swirling diffusion combustion was studied by large-eddy simulation(LES) using a Smagorinsky-Lilly sub-grid-scale(SGS) turbulence model,a second-order moment(SOM) sub-grid-scale(SGS) combustion model,proposed by the present authors,and an eddy-break-up(EBU) combustion model used by some investigators.The LES statistical results are compared with the experimental results and the Reynolds-averaged Navier-stokes(RANS) modeling results using the Reynolds stress equation model and the secondorder moment(SOM) combustion model.Both SOM-SGS combustion model and RANS-SOM model give the results in good agreement with the experimental results,but the LES-EBU modeling results are not in agreement with the experimental results.In different regions the LES-EBU model over-predicts or under-predicts the temperature.The reason is that the effect of chemical kinetics is not taken into account in the LES-EBU modeling.The LES instantaneous results show that the size and range of large vortex structures in swirling combustion are different from those of the jet combustion.
Key words:  Turbulent combustion  Second-order moment combustion model~+  Large-eddy simulation~+  Swirl combustion