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孙波, 张堃元, 王成鹏, 金志光, 李念
南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院 江苏南京210016
关键词:  超音速冲压喷气发动机  Busemann进气道+  流线跟踪  数值仿真
Inviscid CFD analysis of hypersonic Busemann inlet
SUN Bo, ZHANG Kun-yuan, WANG Cheng-peng, JIN Zhi-guang, LI Nian
Coll. of Energy and Power, Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
Inviscid calculations were performed to study the performance of 2-D full Busemann inlet, 3-D square streamtraced inlet, truncated full inlet and truncated streamtraced inlet at various flight Mach numbers, and to study the performance of truncated streamtraced inlet at angles of attack and angles of sideslip, which were all designed for Mach 7 flight and have a same contraction ratio of 6. The influence of viscosity on the performance of full and truncated inlets was investigated preliminarily. The results show that the full Busemann inlet has very high inviscid total pressure recovery, streamline tracing technique is so perfect that the starting performance of streamtraced inlet is much better and its efficiency at the design point is as high as the full Busemann inlet. The truncated inlet is much shorter with low losses of performance. Truncated streamtraced inlet is sensitive to the flight at angles of attack or sideslip. Viscosity causes higher total pressure losses.
Key words:  Supersonic combustion ramjet engine  Busemann inlet~+  Streamline traced  Numerical simulation