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郭红杰, 梁国柱, 马彬, 张振鹏
北京航空航天大学宇航学院 北京100083
为了研究爆震波点火技术的基本特性, 组建了氢氧爆震波点火实验系统, 氢氧压力 0 1~0 5MPa(表压), 混合比 1 6~9 4, 常温条件下, 得到了爆震波在管路中的传播特性以及爆震波点火的单管重复性能实验数据。结果表明: 爆震波点火技术可以在较低的供气压力下获得高温 ( >1300℃) 高压 ( >1MPa) 爆震产物, 爆震波点火传播速度可达 3000m/s, 并且具备良好的重复性能, 多次点火重复性时间误差小于 0 3ms。
关键词:  液体推进剂火箭发动机  爆震波  点火  点火系统  实验
基金项目:国家“八六三”基金项目 (2002AA726021)。
Preliminary experimental investigation on detonation wave ignition technique
GUO Hong-jie, LIANG Guo-zhu, MA Bin, ZHANG Zhen-peng
School of Astronautics, Beijing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China
To investigate the primary characteristic of detonation wave ignition technique, the experimental system of hydrogen/oxygen detonation wave ignition was designed. Experiments were executed on the condition of pressure 0.1~0.5MPa and mixture ratio 1.6~9.4 at common temperature. Investigation was made on spreading characteristic of detonation wave in a tube and multi-run reduplication characteristic of detonation wave ignition technique. Results show that pressure above 1MPa and temperature over 1300℃ could be produced from lower gas pressure by detonation wave ignition technique, and the multi-run time difference is less than 0.3ms.
Key words:  Liquid propellant rocket engine  Detonation wave  Ignition  Ignition system  Experimentation