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李麦亮, 周进, 耿辉, 翟振辰
国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 湖南长沙410073
关键词:  超音速燃烧  激光技术  流动分布  火焰
Application of PLIF in research on supersonic combustion
LI Mai-liang, ZHOU Jin, GENG Hui, ZHAI Zhen-chen
Inst. of Aerospace and Material Engineering, National Univ. of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073,China
The flame structure of supersonic combustion was obtained by means of hydrogen oxygen radical (OH) PLIF imaging. The fluorescence image of OH was induced by UV laser tuned to 283.553 nm. Then the influence on flame structure of supersonic combustion of ratio of length and deep of cavity, obliquity of back edge of cavity and different schemes of fuel injection were studied. It was observed that function of cavities and shock wave on ignition and flame holding. It was also analyzed that the influence of ratio of Length to Deep (L/D) and obliquity of back edge of cavity on fuel penetration, mixing and combustion based on OH PLIF images. The obvious turbulent structure and zonal combustions were found in these images and such phenomena were discussed briefly. Studies show that PLIF is a powerful tool for the supersonic combustion research.
Key words:  Supersonic combustion  Laser technology  Flow distribution  Flame