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张蒙正1, 李鳌1, 李进贤2, 张志涛1, 张泽平1
1.陕西动力机械设计研究所 陕西西安710100;2.西北工业大学航天工程学院 陕西西安710072
关键词:  离心喷嘴  流量  推进剂雾化  实验
基金项目:国防科技重点实验室基金项目 (98JS60 2 4 HT1 1 0 1 )
Experimental study on flow rate and spray characteristic of coaxial centrifugal injector
ZHANG Meng-zheng1, LI Ao1, LI Jin-xian2, ZHANG Zhi-tao1, ZHANG Ze-ping1
1.Shaanxi Engine Design Inst., Xi’an 710100, China;2.Coll. of Astronautics, Northwest Polytechnical Univ., Xi’an 710072, China
Flow rate and spray characteristic of gas/liquid coaxial centrifugal injector was studied experimentally, including the flow rate characteristics of individual liquid injector, individual gas injector and the interaction between the liquid and gas injector. The results suggest that the liquid injector flow rate is affected by gas injector pressure, the flow rate change is decided by attract or jam effect of gas injector on liquid injector. For the same injector, the length of liquid film breaks up and the droplet size decrease when pressure increases. The distribution of droplet size shows saddle shape along the injector cross section. The peak and length of curve changes with the injector geometry characteristics and pressure. The spray quality is improved when the relative speed and length of indent chamber increase.
Key words:  Centrifugal injector  Flow rate  Propellant spray  Experimentation