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张群, 严传俊, 范玮, 黄希桥, 王治武
西北工业大学航空动力与热力工程系 陕西西安710072
为发展一种基于多循环爆震试验的新的脉冲爆震发动机结构设计方法,以汽油为燃料、空气为氧化剂,在内径为50mm的脉冲爆震发动机模型内产生了充分发展的脉冲爆震,根据试验结果对脉冲爆震发动机的结构参数进行了设计,设计结果更接近工程实际。研究发现,当发动机结构尺寸一定时,决定推力壁压力等效作用时间的经验常数K不是一个定值,而是随爆震频率的增大按一定函数关系减小,当爆震频率增大到一定程度时,经验常数的变化幅度逐渐减小并最终趋于常值3 90。根据得到的经验性的函数关系计算出单次爆震的经验常数K为5 35。
关键词:  脉冲爆震发动机  结构参数  设计
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (50 1 0 60 1 2 );国家“八六三”基金(2 0 0 2AA72 2 1 0 2 )。
Conceptual design of multi-cycle pulse detonation engines
ZHANG Qun, YAN Chuan-jun, FAN Wei, HUANG Xi-qiao, WANG Zhi-wu
Dept. of Aeroengine Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi’an 710072, China
The purpose of this study is to develop a new method based on the multi-cycle detonation results. Fully developed repetitive C-J detonation waves are produced successfully by PDE model with its diameter 50mm using gasoline as fuel and air as oxidizer. The structural parameters of PDE are determined, which are more similar to the actual situation. It is found that experience constant (K) is not a fixed value and it decreases with increasing of the frequency by some function. When the frequency is increased to some extent, the experience constant (K) decreases flatly and tends to a fixed value of 3.90. According to the experimental function obtained, the experience constant (K) of single-cycle detonation equals to 5.35 by calculation.
Key words:  Pulse detonation engine  Structural parameter  Design