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淡林鹏1, 张振鹏1, 赵永忠2, 贾永刚2
1.北京航空航天大学宇航学院 北京100083;2.内蒙古动力机械研究所 内蒙古呼和浩特010010
为了给长尾喷管热防护结构设计提供热边界条件 ,从轴对称二维雷诺平均N S方程出发 ,采用分区算法和有限容积法计算了长尾喷管中的湍流流动 ,分析了流场的结构特性 ,得出了长尾喷管中燃气温度、压强和马赫数分布的某些规律以及燃气温度沿壁面的分布。计算和分析结果指出了长尾喷管热防护结构设计应注意的事项
关键词:  长尾喷管  喷管气流  湍流模型  数值计算  有限体积法  防热结构
Turbulent flow calculation for a tail-pipe nozzle using multiblock algorithm and finite volume method
DAN Lin peng1, ZHANG Zhen peng1, ZHAO Yong zhong2, JIA Yong gang2
1.School of Astronautics, Beijing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China;2.Inner Mongolia Power Machinery Research Inst., Huhehot 010010, China
Based on axisymmetric two dimensional N S equation, finite volume method and multiblock algorithm were used to study turbulent flow for a tail pipe nozzle,providing thermal environment for the design of anti thermal construct. The flow field was investigated and some properties of the distribution of temperature, pressure and Mach number of gas in nozzle and temperature of gas along the wall were obtained. From the calculation and analysis,some suggestions were put forward for the design of anti thermal construct.
Key words:  Tailpipe nozzle  Nozzle flow  Turbulence model  Numerical calculation  Finite volume method  Heat protection construction