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张堃元, 王成鹏, 杨建军, 徐惊雷
南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院 江苏南京210016
用Ma =5 3的风洞实验和数值模拟研究了高超三维侧压式进气道后的隔离段流动特性。隔离段的长高比为 8。实验结果表明 ,位于进气道喉道的隔离段入口气流参数沿高度有极大变化 ,造成隔离段内上下的流态显著不同。研究发现 ,隔离段进出口最大允许压比与正激波压比基本相同。用Waltrup的经验公式作等直隔离段初步设计是合适的
关键词:  冲压喷气发动机  高超音速燃烧  进气道  隔离段  进气道气流  流动特性  风洞试验
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (19882 0 0 2 )资助项目
Investigation of flow in isolator of hypersonic inlet
ZHANG Kun yuan, WANG Cheng peng, YANG Jian jun, XU Jing lei
Coll of Energy and Power,Nanjing Univ of Aeronautics and Astronatics,Nanjing 210016,China
The Ma =5 3 experimental and numerical simulation of flow in isolator of hypersonic sidewall compression inlet was made The isolator with S/H =8 was designed by using Waltrup’s empirical theory The serious flow non uniformity at the entrance of isolator was shown in the experiments It indicated a different flow nature in the upper part and lower part of isolator The permissible maximum pressure ratio across isolator measured in experiment was equivalent to the pressure ratio across normal shock As a reference the Waltrup’s empirical theory was suitable for initial design of scramjet isolator
Key words:  Ramjet engine  Hypersonic combustion  Inlet  Isolator  Inlet flow  Flow characteristic  Wind tunnel test