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多英全, 陈福泰, 罗运军, 谭惠民
为了解决以热塑性聚氨酯 (TPU)为粘合剂制备的新型热塑性推进剂配方能量的计算问题 ,以VanKrevelen和Chermin等人的基团估算方法及数据为基础 ,结合高分子内聚能的概念 ,从理论上探索了一条估算热塑性聚氨酯生成焓的方法 ,得到了TPU的生成焓与硬段含量之间的关系式 ,并对 45 %TPU/Al/AP复合热塑性推进剂的能量水平进行了计算。计算表明 :体系组成为TPU/AP/Al=14/ 6 2 / 2 4时 ,出现整个配方体系的最大理论比冲2 5 9kN·s/kg。
关键词:  固体推进剂  塑性推进剂  聚氨酯粘合剂  
基金项目:国家“八六三”基金资助项目! (86 3 715 0 11 0 0 90 )
Estimation of formation enthalpy of thermoplastic polyurethane binder for novel thermoplastic propellant
Duo Yingquan, Chen Futai, Luo Yunjun, Tan Huimin
School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,Beijing Inst of Technology, Beijing 100081,China
In order to calculate the specific impulse of novel propellant with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) synthesized as binder, method and data developed by Van Krevelen and Chermin together with the theory of cohesive energy of polymers, were applied to estimate the formation enthalpy of TPU Relationship between formation enthalpy and content of hard segment of TPU was quantitatively obtained Results of formation enthalpy of TPU were then adopted to calculate the energetic performances of TPU/aluminum/ammonium perchloride propellant system Results show that specific impulse reaches the maximum value as 2 59 kN·s/kg when the system consists of 14% TPU, 62% AP , 24% Al
Key words:  Solid propellant  Plastic propellant  Polyurethane adhesive  EnthalD