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袁宁1, 张振家2, 王松涛1, 顾中华1, 王仲奇1, 冯国泰1
建立了一种以考虑损失的多级三维无粘定常计算程序为主的设计体系 ,该体系考虑了多级透平工作中的变比热容和冷气掺混 ,叶列间参数传递处理上采用了 Rieman解和松弛因子提高程序的稳定性 ,在二维基准截面造型中采用了三次有理 B样条曲线成型 ,三维叶片积迭采用 Besier曲线生成母线。此设计体系同时依赖于一个损失估算体系 ,用来较准确地估算涡轮效率。设计实践证明该体系适用于现代涡轮的全三维设计
关键词:  涡轮风扇发动机  二级涡轮  三维流  流动分布  定常流  气动设计
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目! (596361 80 )
Aerodynamic design system adapting to three dimensional turbine
Yuan Ning1, Zhang Zhenjia2, Wang Songtao1, Gu Zhonghua1, Wang Zhongqi1, Feng Guotai1
1.School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Inst.of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;2.The 31st Research Inst.,Beijing 100074,China
A 3 D design system was applied to modern turbine design. The main calculating program of this system was a 3 D mutistage inviscous calculating program with loss model as well as the varying specific heat and cooled air mixing. The stability of the method in interrow mixing treatment was improved by Rieman solver and lax gene. Profile in 2 D datum plane was made by applying the rational B spline approximation form. The 3 D blade was mounded using Besier curve.This design system included a loss model system in order to assess the effect of turbine accurately.
Key words:  Turbofan ergine  Two stage turbine  Three dimonsion flow  Flow distribution  Steady flow  Aerodynamic design