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代春良1, 孙波1, 梁晓扬1, 卓长飞1, 张堃元2
关键词:  真实气体效应  高马赫数内转进气道  数值模拟  热化学非平衡气体  壁面温度  进气道特性
Study on the characteristics of high Mach number inward turning inlet under real gas effect
Dai Chun liang,孙波,梁晓扬
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
In order to preliminarily study the working characteristics of the high Mach number inward turning inlet under real gas effect, firstly design the hypersonic inward turning inlet with rated working state Ma=12, and then numerically simulate it with different gas models. The results shows that the chemical non-equilibrium gas is similar in flow field structure, performance and aerodynamic heating to thermally perfect gas, and there is a certain difference from thermochemical non-equilibrium gas. The dissociation reaction occurs in the boundary layer and the low-speed vortex region, and the degree of dissociation reaction of the thermochemical non-equilibrium gas is larger than that of the chemical non-equilibrium gas. At the shock reflection in the isolator, the static temperature of the chemical reaction gas decreases by about 2000-2500K compared with that of the complete gas. The high heat flow region is close to the location of the throat on up-wall and the reflection point of the shock wave on low-wall.The higher temperature isothermal wall and thermochemical non-equilibrium gas can reduce the wall heat flux density. Different wall conditions have obvious influence on performance parameters of isolator outlet. The effects of real gas effects and wall temperature on the vortex zone of isolator are complex and need further study.
Key words:  Real gas effect  High Mach number inward turning inlet  Numerical simulate  Thermochemical non-equilibrium gas  Wall temperature  Inlet characteristics