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中国航发沈阳发动机研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110015
关键词:  燃烧室  旋流器  回流区  中心分级  流场  数值计算
Study on Flow Field Characteristics of Low Swirl Concentric Staged Combustor
CHANG Feng1, LIN Hong-jun1, CHENG Ming1, LI Mei-ye1
AECC Shenyang Engine Institute,Shenyang 110015,China
In order to study the flow field characteristics of a new designed low swirl concentric staged combustor, numerical simulation and PIV test were carried out to study different combination scheme of two-stage main and pilot swirlers. The results show that under the low swirl, the airflow half cone angle of the individual pilot swirler is less than 22.3° and the recirculation zone cannot be formed. At the same time, the axial velocity of only pilot airflow has a large velocity attenuation characteristic at the swirlers’ outlet. The formation of the recirculation zone is the result of the interaction between the main and pilot swirlers. The entire flow field is characterized by radial zoning, including the central recirculation zone whose maximum radial dimension is smaller than main swirler outer diameter, and the main airflow is outside the recirculation zone where no recirculation zone is formed. The flow field structure under different swirl number of pilot is basically the same. However, as the pilot swirl number increases, the radial dimension of the central recirculation zone increases.
Key words:  Combustor  Swirler  Recirculation zone  Concentric staged  Flow field  Numerical calculation