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西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129
关键词:  航空发动机  零维仿真模型  多维度仿真模型  完全耦合方法  迭代耦合方法
Application of Different Zooming Strategies in Aero-Engine Simulation
SONG Fu1, ZHOU Li1, WANG Zhan-xue1, ZHANG Ming-yang1, ZHANG Xiao-bo1
School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China
In order to investigate the implement method with both fully coupled approach and iterative coupled approach and to study the differences between the two approaches, the two-dimensional fan model was built and integrated into the cycle analysis with fully coupled approach and iterative coupled approach to establish the multi-level model for turbofan engine. The differences of simulation results, calculation speed and operability between the two zooming strategies were analyzed. A comparison of the results obtained from the zero-dimensional engine model based on component default map and multi-level was presented. The results indicate that the iterative variables need to be adjusted based on the requirements of the two-dimensional fan model for boundary conditions in order to establish the multi-level model with fully coupled approach, and the result of zero-dimensional engine model is used to initialize the iterative variables to ensure the convergence of the multi-level model. As for iterative coupled approach, the key is the control of the data transfer between the two-dimensional fan model and the zero-dimensional engine model, and it is easier to carry out than fully coupled approach. When the computation converges, there is no difference in the results obtained from the multi-level models using different zooming strategies, but the calculation speed of the multi-level model with iterative coupled approach is faster. Compared with the result of the baseline model, the maximum difference in the thrust solved from the zero-dimensional engine model is bigger than 8.34%, and the maximum differences in the thrust and specific fuel consumption of the multi-level model are less than 3%, which means that the multi-level model can predict the engine performance more accurately.
Key words:  Aero-engine  Zero-dimensional model  Multi-level model  Fully coupled approach  Iterative coupled approach