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关键词:  双级轴向旋流器  气量分配  流量特性  出口流场  试验研究
DOI:10.13675/j.cnki. tjjs. 180329
Experimental Investigation of Effects of Airflow Spliton the Characteristics of Dual-Axial Swirler
AECC Hunan Aviation Powerplant Research Institute,Zhuzhou 412002,China
In order to study the effects of the airflow split on the flow characteristics and downstream flow field of double-axial swirler, experimental investigations were conducted by flow characteristics experimental system and PIV. The influences of air split on the flow rate, discharge coefficient and downstream flow field were obtained. The experimental results indicated that increasing the frontal area, discharge coefficient of the primary swirler decreases, while the discharge coefficient of the secondary swirler remains constant. When A1/A2<0.75, the discharge coefficient of the primary swirler is greater than that of the secondary swirler. When A1/A2>0.75, the discharge coefficient of the secondary swirler is greater than that of the primary swirler. Increasing the airflow ratio of the primary swirler to the secondary swirler,recircling flow velocity of the central toroidal recirculation zone (CTRZ) decreases, the axial velocity and radial velocity of the swirling flow divergent angle zone decrease, the size of the CTRZ decreases. The axial velocity profiles along centerline increases as the airflow ratio initially and decreases afterwards.
Key words:  Double-axial swirler  Airflow split  Flow characteristics  Downstream flow field  Experimental investigation